Aria d’estate che si avvicina, il mare, le spiagge… c’è un periodo migliore per la musica dei Beach Boys?
Beh, certo, la buona musica andrebbe ascoltata sempre (in particolar modo certi capolavori come il loro Pet Sounds, NdR), ma il solleone e il gruppo californiano sono sempre andati a braccetto, anche se poi gli stessi membri della band non erano neanche dei surfisti così incalliti come dichiarato dalle loro canzoni.
Ma la notizia è: sta arrivando una nuova compilation con tante rarità e inediti per deliziare i palati dei fan!

Si tratta di un box set composto da due CD che verrà rilasciato il 30 giugno, intitolato 1967 – Sunshine Tomorrow. Raccoglie materiale dalle session dei due album Smiley Smile e Wild Honey, tra l’altro proprio di quest’ultimo album verrà rilasciato lo stesso giorno un nuovo vinile in edizione 180gr, per il suo 50° anniversario.
Troveranno spazio nella raccolta alcune take alternative mai rilasciate e un live album che ha una storia particolare: le registrazioni di questo concerto tenutosi alle Hawaii nel ’67, infatti, furono giudicate non usabili. Si tentò quindi di recuperare le cose registrando una sessione live in studio, ma non fu mai aggiunta la traccia del pubblico e il progetto fu abbandonato.
Nella compilation, quindi, ci saranno queste registrazioni, qualcosa del live originale nelle Hawaii, più altre performance a Washington D.C. e Boston dello stesso anno.

1967 – Sunshine Tomorrow Tracklist:
Disc 1
Wild Honey (Stereo)
(New stereo mix, except as noted *. Recorded September 15 to November 15, 1967 at Brian Wilson’s house and at Wally Heider Recording in Hollywood, California)
1. Wild Honey
2. Aren’t You Glad
3. I Was Made To Love Her
4. Country Air
5. A Thing Or Two
6. Darlin’
7. I’d Love Just Once To See You
8. Here Comes The Night
9. Let The Wind Blow
10. How She Boogalooed It
11. Mama Says* (Original Mono Mix)
Wild Honey Sessions: September — November 1967 (Previously Unreleased)
12. Lonely Days (Alternate Version)
13. Cool Cool Water (Alternate Early Version)
14. Time To Get Alone (Alternate Early Version)
15. Can’t Wait Too Long (Alternate Early Version)
16. I’d Love Just Once To See You (Alternate Version)
17. I Was Made To Love Her (Vocal Insert Session)
18. I Was Made To Love Her (Long Version)
19. Hide Go Seek
20. Honey Get Home
21. Wild Honey (Session Highlights)
22. Aren’t You Glad (Session Highlights)
23. A Thing Or Two (Track And Backing Vocals)
24. Darlin’ (Session Highlights)
25. Let The Wind Blow (Session Highlights)
Wild Honey Live: 1967 — 1970 (Previously Unreleased)
26. Wild Honey (Live) — recorded in Detroit, November 17, 1967
27. Country Air (Live) — recorded in Detroit, November 17, 1967
28. Darlin’ (Live) — recorded in Pittsburgh, November 22, 1967
29. How She Boogalooed It (Live)- recorded in Detroit, November 17, 1967
30. Aren’t You Glad (Live) — recorded in 1970, location unknown
31. Mama Says (Session Highlights)
(Previously unreleased vocal session highlights. Recorded at Wally Heider Recording, November 1967)
Disc 2
Smiley Smile Sessions: June — July 1967 (Previously Unreleased)
(Recorded June and July 1967 at Brian Wilson’s house, Western Recorders, SRS, and/or Columbia Studios, except as noted *)
1. Heroes And Villains (Single Version Backing Track)
2. Vegetables (Long Version)
3. Fall Breaks And Back To Winter (Alternate Mix)
4. Wind Chimes (Alternate Tag Section)
5. Wonderful (Backing Track)
6. With Me Tonight (Alternate Version With Session Intro)
7. Little Pad (Backing Track)
8. All Day All Night (Whistle In) (Alternate Version 1)
9. All Day All Night (Whistle In) (Alternate Version 2)
10. Untitled (Redwood) *
(Previously unreleased instrumental fragment. Studio and exact recording date unknown. Discovered in tape box labeled “Redwood”)
Lei’d in Hawaii “Live” Album: September 1967 (Previously Unreleased)
(Recorded September 11, 1967 at Wally Heider Recording in Hollywood, CA, with additional recording September 29, 1967 (except as noted *). Original mono mixes from assembled master ½” reel, dated September 29, 1967, discovered in the Brother Records Archives.)
11. Fred Vail Intro
12. The Letter
13. You’re So Good To Me
14. Help Me, Rhonda
15. California Girls
16. Surfer Girl
17. Sloop John B
18. With A Little Help From My Friends * (Recorded at Brian Wilson’s house, September 23, 1967)
19. Their Hearts Were Full Of Spring * (Recorded during rehearsal, August 26, 1967, Honolulu, Hawaii)
20. God Only Knows
21. Good Vibrations
22. Game Of Love
23. The Letter (Alternate Take)
24. With A Little Help From My Friends (Stereo Mix)
Live In Hawaii: August 1967 (Previously Unreleased)
(The Beach Boys recorded two complete concerts and rehearsals in Honolulu on August 25 and 26, 1967. Brian Wilson rejoined the group onstage for these shows; Bruce Johnston was not present. The following tracks derive from the original 1” 8-track master reels discovered in the Brother Records Archives.)
25. Hawthorne Boulevard
26. Surfin’
27. Gettin’ Hungry
28. Hawaii (Rehearsal Take)
29. Heroes And Villains (Rehearsal)
Thanksgiving Tour 1967: Live In Washington, D.C. & Boston (Previously Unreleased)
(The touring Beach Boys — Mike, Carl, Dennis, Al, and Bruce — embarked on a Thanksgiving Tour immediately after delivering the finished Wild Honey album to Capitol Records. For this tour, the band was augmented by Ron Brown on bass and Daryl Dragon on keyboards.)
30. California Girls (Live) — recorded in Washington, DC, November 19, 1967
31. Graduation Day (Live) — recorded in Washington, DC, November 19, 1967
32. I Get Around (Live) — recorded in Boston, November 23, 1967
Additional 1967 Studio Recordings (Previously Unreleased)
33. Surf’s Up (1967 Version) (Recorded during the Wild Honey sessions in November 1967)
34. Surfer Girl (1967 A Capella Mix) (Previously unreleased mix of Lei’d in Hawaii take from the Wally Heider Recording sessions in September 1967)
Cover photo by Louise Palanker – CC BY 2.0
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